March's Monthly Sandwich

What a difference a day makes
Twenty-four little hours
brought the sun and the flowers
where there used to be rain

If you haven't been caressed by Dinah Washington's voice, now is the time. Seize it. 

And what a difference an anti-depressant makes too.
And exercise
And talks with soul sister friends
And walks in nature
And coffee
And wonderful food
And sleep
And sex
And _______ (go ahead, fill this one in).

I took comfort in all these wonderful things when my mood would dip into lackadaisical land. As I said in my little video on facebook, sometimes I do not want to pay the electricity bill in my spiritual house. I want a dark day, or two. I had a few this month. Didn't leave my room to binge on Parks and Recreation and foods that made me soft in the middle. I felt guilty about it. Knew I could be doing or creating instead. Then I just let go and enjoyed the staycation in my bed, committed to the dark, to the rest, and knowing my light would eventually turn back on. It always does.

It certainly did a couple nights ago while reading poems by Rumi. This one chose me I believe-

I made an oath to myself:
as long as I live
as long as my soul remains in this body
I won't deviate from the right way,
but later I looked to my left and then to my right
and I saw our beloved everywhere
How could I make a wrong turn?

Friends, take that IN. Bring your hand to your heart and greet your beloved. It is YOU.  It's okay to have off days, dark days, staycation days. That passage was so very cleansing to me.

So it's been a monthly sandwich of discoveries. Thanks for taking the ride with me. Until my words greet you with open arms again, travel light!